Time to say bye bye to writer’s block.

Get that idea out of your head and onto the page once and for all (and do it with joy, too).

Do you have a dream of finally writing a book?

An idea (or several) that burn within you?

Ever sit down at a blank page and think this will be the day you really get going?

And then, you just stare and stare at the blank page, that damn cursor blinking at you like a taunt? 

Yeah, me too. I’ve been there. I froze in front of the blank page for so long that I forced myself to figure out a way to be prolific. And it had nothing to do with waiting for “inspiration” to hit me.   

Because, writing a book seems so intimidating. Everyone you know tells you it’s the hardest thing ever. It’s daunting. Terrifying.

How do you write so many words? How do you even start? What if you… suck at it?

Maybe you’ve written an outline. Maybe you’ve even written some pages. But you think… these aren’t good enough! The writing in my head was so much better than what’s going on the page! 

Congratulations, you’re doing great.

No, really. You are. 

This is all completely normal. 

And if you’ve been thinking there’s gotta be a better way to go about this, you’re right.

There is.

And you just found it.

Lucky you.

Here’s the thing: the process of writing a book can be not only doable, but joyful, fun, exciting, and immensely fulfilling.

Sure, it’ll be challenging, but it’s the type of challenge that is incredibly rewarding. 

I went from being inconsistent, waiting for inspiration to hit me over the head like a lightning bolt, to being wildly prolific and capable of writing anything and everything I can dream of.

In this easy to follow mini audio course, you’ll learn not just how to write the book, but the mindset you need to do it, which is half the battle any way. It’s your own mind that creates writer’s block. Because, writer’s block is just fear disguised as a mental block. 

  • You’re scared you’ll suck.

  • Or that you won’t be good enough.

  • Or that you can’t finish the book. 

  • Or that you can’t get it published. 

But all of that is normal and I have not only been there before, I used to live there. 

There is not only a way to write without getting in your head about it, but how to actually enjoy it and have fun with it, too. I mean, isn’t that why you dreamed of writing in the first place?

I’m sharing with you how I “cured” my writer’s block and am now the most prolific writer I’ve ever been—all while writing with joy and excitement

I went from inconsistent and incapable of sitting down and just writing to being wildly prolific. Since implementing this mindset and system, here’s a list of everything I’ve written over the last four years (some published, some not):

  • My novel, Main Character Energy, which was published with Park Row, an imprint of HarperCollins on September 5th, 2023

  • Radically Content (nonfiction memoir/self-help book published with Quarto US)

  • Radically Content: The Journal (companion journal published with Quarto US)

  • Plus 5-6 other drafts of novels and various book proposals, all of which aided in helping me become a much better and effective writer (reminder: not everything you do needs to be published to have value in your life!)

In this mini audio course, I’ll teach you what I wish I had known years ago. What I wish someone had told me when I was flailing and dreaming of all the books I’d “one day” write.

Because this process makes writing fun. And you actually finish what you begin because you know how to go about it.

This course is about learning how to finish and then edit a first draft of your book.

So you can either force yourself to struggle and make a tiny bit of progress or you can actually get it done, and have a great time doing it. Write that book consistently in an easy to follow way. 

This course will teach you the mindset shifts that are necessary to finally write that book, along with how to get started on your first draft, then outlining techniques, editing tips, and an overview of all the many paths to publishing.

This does not go into the actual technique of plot or character development, but more how to get words on the page and sculpt those. 

This mini course is simple, to the point, and full of real-life tips that you’ll actually use.

Utilizing unique audio-based lessons, you can learn as you cook, walk, drive, or while you sit in the sunshine with a cup of tea and your headphones—it’s up to you, but however you choose to listen, I hope you make it a joy. 

What You Get

You’ll receive each audio lesson in Kajabi. You can download the lessons or listen from the Kajabi app.

  • 🎧 Introduction: Welcome And Hello! (19 minutes)
    An overview of what you will learn in the course.

  • 🎧 Audio Lesson #1: Mindset for Getting Started (43 minutes)
    Writer’s block starts in the mind. It’s fear. You need to know how to think about writing before you even start writing. Set your foundation before you begin and understand how best to approach your writing.

  • 🎧 Audio Lesson #2: Manifesting for Writers (20 minutes)
    The energy you need going into it. Removing limiting blocks. My unconventional manifesting tips and tricks. Bonus: Powerful affirmations for prosperous writing (PDF). 

  • 🎧 Audio Lesson #3: To Outline or Not To Outline? (17 minutes)
    People get really stuck at this stage. I’ll walk you through the best way to finding what works for you. Everyone is different. I’ll go through the pros and cons of different approaches to a draft.

  • 🎧 Audio Lesson #4: The First Draft (37 minutes)
    How to approach writing your first draft. What works, what doesn’t. How to think about the first draft and what it needs to be (hint: it absolutely does not need to be perfect and it won’t be, so you can be freed from expecting that).

  • 🎧 Audio Lesson #5: The Editing (23 minutes)
    This is where you shape the book and actually make it good. See also: don’t be afraid of this process. I was deeply terrified of editing and I now find it one of the most fulfilling parts of writing a book.  

  • 🎧 Audio Lessons #6-8: My Publishing Journey + Everything I Know About Getting Published

    Broken down into 3 sections, this will go into:

  • The publishing industry as a whole (45 minutes)

  • How to get a nonfiction book published (23 minutes)

  • How to get a fiction book published (41 minutes)

    Your book is ready! So, how do you get an agent? How do you get published? What do you need for a novel? What about the “query letter”? What about self-publishing? I’ll walk you through everything I know about publishing, my own journey, and the pros and cons to all the different paths. (This is the only audio lesson I think could be longer than others, because there’s a lot to cover!)

Note: Some lessons will likely apply more to novelists, but memoirists or non-fiction writers will also benefit. In lesson 6, I will go into how to get published for both novels and nonfiction books. 

All course materials are available once you purchase. The mini course is yours in full for just a one-time payment of $99.

Recent student feedback:

I am barely half way through Jamie Varon's course, ‘Write That Book’ and from the introduction audio onward, I have found joy in writing again.

Immediately, after listening to Jamie's introduction to this class, I pulled up one of my longest held manuscript ideas, and began free writing on it. Just playing and dabbling. Having fun. An hour or more went by. Pages of story lay before me.

I had carried this story for nearly 40 years.

Finally it was getting life.

Then the miracle took over. As I was going about the rest of my day, more scenes from that story showed up. I added them in. I now keep it open on my computer to allow me to fill in whatever comes up. I repeat I am having fun again. On the third day of this excitement, I realized that my other books have been created in an effort to make something that conformed to a standard. That my heart had gotten sidestepped for market standard. I still like those books. They were my bold way of trying to prove myself to myself. Well done for me. But now, I am writing for fun, every day. 

I am only in lesson four, because I like to savor the lessons, have the fun, then add more to it. 

Thank you, Jamie. This is magical.

—Carrie T.

One Last Note

This isn’t a course about craft. There’s a lot of resources on craft but trust me when I tell you that you’ll figure out your “craft” and outlining strategy and all of that once you actually begin.

This is about how to begin. Which, let me tell you, is the hardest part.

It’s about: how to get out of your own way (or, fear’s way) and get words on the page. How to go about it. How to stay motivated. How to approach the first draft. How to build momentum. How to approach editing. 

How to even know if you like writing books, if you even want to learn the craft more. 

Writing a book is so much more about mindset and approach than we think.

I promise you have probably read too much about craft. And outlining strategies. And it’s all overwhelming. 

This cuts through the noise, gets your butt in the chair, and actually gets you stacking up a word count. From someone who has been there. And uses this approach for every new draft. 

I strongly believe you have no use for craft, outlining devices, fancy writing software, stacks of books “on writing” or anything of the sort until you actually know how to approach writing a draft and being able to rely on yourself to do the most important thing: write. The rest is just noise. And procrastination. And waiting for permission to actually begin. Which nobody is going to give you, except yourself.  

So you need to know how to not just write. 

But write consistently. And actually finish what you start. 

There’s a way to approach it. And it’s quite simple. 

That’s exactly what this audio course will teach you. Simply, effectively, and right to the point. No frills.